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Request for Proposal: Video Content Production

RFP for Video Content Production.pdf


September 26, 2024 - RFP release date

October 10, 2024 - Optional pre-proposal phone conference at 2:30 p.m. PST

 Join the meeting with this link. | Meeting ID: 219 594 932 007 | Passcode: nu3J6h

October 18, 2024 - Deadline to submit written questions due by 12:00 p.m. PST

November 1, 2024 - Proposals due by 12:00 p.m. PST

November 6, 2024 - Preliminary screening process complete, including reference checks.

November 13, 2024 - Board consideration and approval of staff recommended Contractor (including proposer presentation, if requested).

November 20, 2024 - Negotiate and finalize contract. 


1. The Page 2 Introduction states, “The preferred date of completion for this project is between July 01, 2025 and December 31, 2025.”  → Are we required to film over multiple seasons or timeframes?  Or can we streamline production based on availability of location and talent and deliver at our discretion within the proposed dates? 

No, you are not required to film over multiple seasons or timeframes. The preferred completion date is the window in which we hope to have the project fully completed by. Pre-production, production and post-production should all take place before the agreed upon completion date, but it is at the discretion of the selected Contractor when and where each stage of production should occur. 

2. On Page 8, item 10 of the RFP it states, "The term of the contract will be two years with a start date of August 2, 2024. The contract may be renewed at the discretion of IWMA for up to one twelve-month period. Any request by the Contractor to increase pricing may not exceed national or regional CPI and must align with the IWMA’s budget cycle.”  → Was this clause from a previous RFP since dates and term seem incorrect?  

Yes, thank you for requesting clarification. There is no stipulated start and end date of the proposed contract.

3. Can the recent survey done by IWMA highlighting that residents were skeptical about recyclables be shared with us?  It would be great to see firsthand what people thought.

The survey received 1,235 responses from SLO County residents. Please see the attached slide deck with some of the key takeaways. The questions were mainly geared towards organic (green bin) recycling, but many residents took the opportunity to inquire about blue bin recycling as well. Quotes from residents include "What happens to the recyclables? Are they shipped offshore to other countries?", "want to know if plastics really get recycled", "The whole thing is confusing. I default to garbage", "I don’t believe recycling is actually happening any longer. We are separating for no purpose whatsoever" and MANY other similar comments. The studio, Gigantic Idea Studio, that conducted the survey recommended including reassurances about what happens to recycled materials in outreach as a future action for the IWMA to take. We look forward to talking through the survey results with the selected Contractor as a foundation for the project.

Gigantic Idea Studios Survey Results.pdf

4. Is the preferred date of completion of July 1 – Dec. 31, 2025 tied to any bigger picture date within the IWMA?  Want to know if our proposal should include something of this tie-in or any other reasons within the IWMA infrastructure. There seems to be no reason why this could not be completed and delivered much earlier in the 2025.

There is no bigger picture date that structures the completion of the project. This date range was provided to give the selected Contractor flexibility in the finished product. We anticipate the contract won't be finalized and ready to go until the beginning of 2025, so this timeline provides for ample time to produce a quality series. If you believe a shorter timeline would be achievable within the scope of the project, this is welcomed, but will not be a consideration in the selection process. After completion of the project, we will begin engaging with local media outlets to promote the series, but that is not on a set timeline. The intent of this project is to produce a video series that will be long-lasting, and will be used by the IWMA for many years to come.

5. During the Teams meeting, a script was mentioned.  Is there a script (or idea) you have now and can you share?

We do not have a script yet. The ideas that are the foundation for this RFP are the four prompts briefly outlined in (B) 2. Creative Outline. Besides these ideas, we are reliant on the creativity of the Contractor to bring these concepts, and any original ideas, to life. The selected Contractor, with collaboration from IWMA staff, will be responsible for the development of the finished script(s).

6. In #2 Creative Outline: Timeline and Deliverables do you have a preference as to what kind of response we provide? Are you looking for a video sample, a logline and synopsis or a pitch deck type presentation?

There is no preference for the format of the response to (B) 2. Creative Outline. Our goal with this section is to understand your creative process, and your vision for the proposed project. Please feel free to address this section however you feel comfortable; this could take the form of a written synopsis, sample storyboards, brief pitch deck or any other creative method you choose to employ. Video samples are not expected in this section, but samples of prior work will likely be required to demonstrate the Qualifications of Contractor and Personnel in Section III (B) 1.  Please keep in mind that the responses will be reviewed by a panel who primarily do not have knowledge of the video production industry, so try to explain any technical terminology used.

7. Could you confirm whether you prefer the videos to be animated or to feature real people? If real people are preferred, do you already have key personnel selected to appear on camera, or will the contractor be coordinating this as part of the production?

Any format of video (animation, real people, etc.) is welcome. We are looking for a Contractor that can engage residents to believe in the recycling and compost systems we have locally: this might lend itself to live-action video, but animation or any other creative medium may achieve this effectively as well. We are hoping for bids with a creative vision and the skill set necessary to produce it, regardless of medium. It is important to note that the project also includes a footage library of video and photo imagery, which should include real places, and not be primarily reliant on animation.

We do not have key personnel selected, and will be reliant on the Contractor to recommend which roles are featured on camera. We are able to coordinate any industry personnel that are to be featured, but if the proposed project requires any actors we will look to the Contractor to manage their hiring.

8. If filming at local facilities is required, would you be able to provide specific locations? This will allow us to create a more accurate proposal based on logistical considerations.

We have working relationships with the facilities that would be filming locations, and can help coordinate access for filming. This includes Kompogas SLO (the anaerobic digester, where organics are processed), and the Materials Recovery Facility (MRF). Any logistics involved in filming at external locations we would rely on the Contractor to arrange.

9. Could the team provide more details on the specific messaging or themes they wish to prioritize in each of the four videos?

The 4 prompts listed in Section III (B) 2. Creative Outline represent the themes we wish to portray with the video series. Beyond these concepts, we hope to leave room for creativity in your proposal. All of the videos should promote waste reduction or proper disposal using positive and compelling behavior change messaging. The core driver of each video should be keeping materials out of our landfills.

10. Are there specific community groups or demographics that should be targeted through the videos?

The intent of the video series is to reach a wide variety of demographics—we want it to be accessible for all residents of San Luis Obispo County. Our demographics present a unique challenge in education because of our diverse population. We have urban and rural residents, college students and retirees, SLO natives and transplants, and every group in between. With the series we want to avoid polarizing any audiences, and instead create a broad message that can be appreciated by everyone.

11. Are there any specific technical standards or formats that the videos must adhere to for compatibility with IWMA’s distribution channels?

We will look to the expertise of the Contractor to prepare the videos in formats that fit the standards of conventional media outlets. All of the intended outlets for distribution are encompassed by the distribution channels listed in the RFP.

12. What are the expected deliverables regarding the library of B-roll footage and high-quality still images? How many minutes of footage and types of images are expected?

We hope to complete the project with the four packaged videos and an accompanying library of content that we can use in future outreach. The B-roll and imagery should be from the shoot days for the main video narratives. There is no specification for length of footage accumulated, but is expected that all usable footage that was not included in the final cut of the videos is included in the footage library. If you have performed color correction or grading on the finalized video series, the b-roll footage should be colored to match. It is expected that you will have a photographer on set to capture still imagery, for instance imagery of the MRF, compost piles, or scenic shots. The final images should be high-quality and edited so they are ready for immediate use by the IWMA for social media, website, flyers and other outreach.

13. Can the team specify the locations or settings where video shoots are permitted or preferred within San Luis Obispo County?

It is expected that filming takes place at the Kompogas anaerobic digester, Materials Recovery Facility (MRF), and potentially local landfills, dependent on the finished scripts. The IWMA has working relationships with these entities, and can help gain access for filming. Any external locations, i.e. public lands for establishing shots, or any indoor sets, we will rely on the contractor to arrange. We can collaborate in the process of gaining permitting or access to locations, or potentially recommend locations based on local familiarity, but any other locations should be at the recommendation of the Contractor based on the proposed scripts.  

14. What IWMA personnel or resources will available during the video production phase?

IWMA programs staff will be available to the Contractor during every stage of production. Staff members can be on-site for filming, and will be available to provide input. In addition, the IWMA can provide technical expertise for any solid waste industry related questions that may arise. It is expected that the creation of the video series will be a collaboration between the IWMA and the Contractor, to bring a joint vision to life.

15. What are the key milestone dates between the project start and the final delivery?

In your proposal, it is expected that you outline an anticipated timeline based on the scope of your proposal. Key project phases will include pre-production, production and post-production. The only dates that dictate project phases on the IWMA's behalf are the finalization of the contract based on board approval, and the goal of project completion by the end of 2025.

16. What is the review and feedback process like once initial drafts of videos are submitted?

We hope that the entire production process will be a conversation between the Contractor and IWMA staff. There is no established process for review and feedback, it will be up to the judgement of the Contractor when and with what frequency to involve IWMA staff in the post-production process, but IWMA staff will be available for feedback every step of the way.

17. Are you open to us presenting 4 creatives instead of the 3 requested as per Page 4, Section 2?

Responding to 3 of the 4 prompts as requested is required for the eligibility of the proposal. Any additional response is permitted, but should be noted in the proposal as supplemental.

18. Also in that section (Page 4, Section 2) -  Can we address all 5 parts in one complete creative pitch rather than breaking down for each section?

Please feel free to format this section (Section III (B) 2 ) however you like. You are welcome to address all five parts in one singular pitch, or section it out by part. Just make sure to include all of the requested information.

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